Thursday, November 12, 2009

MFA Presentantion Schedule

Each MFA student will give a 15 minute PowerPoint presentation of their quarter's work and research. This will happen at the end of the term during the Monday Night Lecture class time. Half of the class will present on November 23rd and the other half on November 30th. Please remember to bring your dinner on these nights. No food will be provided.

November 23rd
6:00-6:15 1. Helen
6:15-6:30 2. Josh
6:30-6:45 3. Nicole
6:45-7:00 4. Lexa
7:00-7:15 5. McCallah
7:15-7:45 Break
7:45-8:00 6. Zach
8:00-8:15 7. Lori
8:15-8:30 8. Anna and Ryan
8:30-8:45 9. Connie
8:45-9:00 10. Jillian

November 30th

6:00-6:15 1. Robin
6:15-6:30 2. Michelle L.
6:30-6:45 3. Ariana
6:45-7:00 4. Michelle S.
7:00-7:15 5. Miles
7:15-7:45 Break
7:45-8:00 6. Kathrine
8:00-8:15 7. Derek
8:15-8:30 8. Ralph
8:30-8:45 9. Hannah
8:45-9:00 10. Motoya

Monday, November 2, 2009

Inteview with Kenneth Goldsmith

Here is the interview with Kenneth Goldsmith. Here is the link from which you can download if you would rather download than listen streaming.: